Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Religious Rights vs Gay Rights

Debate/Panel Discussion:
Religious Rights vs Gay Rights:
Should the Gay Police Association be prosecuted for inciting religious hatred?

Date: Friday, 13 October 2006
Time: 7:30 PMVenue: The Library, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RLMap:
Nearest Tube: Holborn

ALL WELCOME – Free Admission

The Gay & Lesbian Humanist Association is hosting a panel discussion around thethreats to prosecute the Gay Police Association (GPA) following their advert linking religious belief to homophobic incidents.

The panellists will consider the issues the advert raises and discuss the rise ofreligiously-motivated homophobia in general and the increasing clash between religion and gay rights.

Evangelical Christian, Rev George Hargreaves – who is planning to bring a private prosecution of the GPA – will join the panel. This will ensure a lively debate around one of the most important issues facing the LGBT community today.

The panellists will include a representative from the Gay Police Association, Ted Brown of Black Gays & Lesbians Against Media Homophobia and Savi Hensman of the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement.

The Gay Police Association advert pictured a Bible next to a pool of blood with the text:

“In the last twelve months, The Gay Police Association has recorded a 75% increase in homophobic incidents, where the sole or primary motivating factor was the religious beliefs of the perpetrator.”

Was the advert justified? What is the extent of religiously-motivated attacks on gay people? Does the advert incite religious hatred? Is there a basis for the prosecution? Are too many people – both religious and gay – being investigated for simply speaking their minds?

Come along to Conway Hall on Friday 13 October and find out!

There will be a period for the panellists to be challenged by the audience, so join the debate.


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